UPDATE: Living Beyond A Triple Bypass And Stroke...Look At God! Testimony

August 09, 2023 4 Comments

UPDATE: Living Beyond A Triple Bypass And Stroke...Look At God!  Testimony

Written In November, 2018

My name is Jeanette Elliott, and I am 69 years old. I am a widowed mother of five (5) - two (2) boys and (3) girls, I have one son who has Cerebral Palsy. There were many difficult days trying to care for him, but I made it with the help of God. He is now 41 years old, and all the praise goes to God.

I've had numerous surgeries, and the first was in my late 20's, or early 30's. I had to have a tonsillectomy, and my eldest son had to have the same procedure a few weeks later. Prayers went up, and we came through that, again with the help of God. In my 40's, I was diagnosed as being a diabetic, of which I still take insulin shots today. I had to really pray about this...taking shots, because I was very afraid thinking I may give myself too much. After praying and talking to the Lord about how I was feeling about taking the shots, He calmed my fears.

A few years later in December, 2007, I had to have a Heart Catheter after having chest pains. Many of my church family thought I had suffered a heart attack because of the death of my mother who had passed the previous month (November). Tests revealed that many veins were closed, and some others were almost closed at certain degrees. This information concerning some of the other veins being closed to certain degree levels was not given to me until later. The doctor told me I had to have triple bypass surgery. It was successful, and I was released from the hospital a few days later. After being home a couple of days, I began to feel weak. This weakness would cause me to become unsteady on my feet, and almost fall at different times. With this new symptom, I had to return to the hospital for more tests.

I was then told the other veins that were partially closed, had closed completely and more stents had to be put in. At this time I was shown a diagram of my heart. I was told what the doctors had seen with the other veins before I had the triple bypass. When the triple bypass and heart catheter was performed, my family members were with me and that was a blessing for me. Before going into surgery, one of my sisters asked the doctor if we had time to pray, and he said yes, and remained standing by the bed until we were finished. I was told later by the doctor that when he began to open my chest wall, he nixed my heart and I began to bleed profusely. When they couldn't stop the bleeding and thinking I was going to die, the doctor went out to tell the family to call other family members and let them know what was happening.

All family members began to pray, and the bleeding stopped. Praise the Lord, because this enabled the doctor to do what was needed to be done in my chest.  My life was spared because of prayer, and because of mercy and grace God extended to me. When I was discharged from the hospital, the doctors didn't think I had long to live, and thought I should prepare my family members. I did prepare a list of my wishes, and handed them out to the family members. That was in 2007, and I am still living. Hallelujah!

Two - three years later on June 12, after 6 p.m., I began having symptoms of the beginning of a stroke, even though I didn't know that at the time, but was told this later. I waited until 9 pm before asking my daughter to call 911. I arrived at the hospital about 10 pm, but was told I had waited too late to come because there is a four (4) hour period to get the medication to stop the progression of a stroke. Since it was passed the time limit, I was not given the medication. The next morning on June 13, I had a major stroke on the right side of my brain, which made the left side of my body very weak. 

How do you go from taking care of yourself, going where you want to go, feeding yourself - to not being able to move the left side of your body at will? How do you feel when you can't formulate your words in the way you have always done? How do you feel when you have to depend on others to help you with everything? I tell you the truth, it was hard for me going from being independent - to being co-dependent on others for my very existence...especially after having lived through major heart surgery from a heart attack.

There were days after the stroke, I didn't know I could keep going on. I questioned my ability, I questioned whether my faith was what it needed to be to have kept this from happening, and some time wondered - why me? I have tried to do right, live righteous, treat others the way I wanted to be treated, and now this. There were days I didn't feel like participating in therapy. I just wanted to be alone, and maybe feel sorry for myself. Many  family members, and other people would encourage me, but I didn't get it in my spirit what I needed to do, until a deacon visited me and spoke words that reached my heart and spirit.  Maybe, this had been the time ordained for me to get this. Also, I knew I needed to hear from God through scriptures or however he wanted to communicate truth to me, because He is my savior and healer.


Praying to the Lord with a renewed determination, I started feeling that my life was worth living. I yet had a mind to think, and since I was right handed, I could use my right hand to help me in areas. Thank God. As time went on, God gave me the strength to take the focus off me, along with the "woe is me spirit," and began to be thankful for life and so much more. When the doctors delivered the death message of me not living long, I started believing their report instead of the report of the Lord. As I began to encourage myself, I started seeing life differently through the eyes of God and not through my feelings, emotions, and self pity. This temporary affliction afforded me more time to pray, and read the Word of God.

Don't misunderstand me, there were many days I was frustrated, wanted to be left alone, upset with myself for not eating the proper foods to help me become healthy, but the Holy Spirit would bring comfort tor me to realize I can't change the pass, but I can have a great future in the Lord. Today, I can  feed and bathe myself, cook my food, wash clothes, my speech is understandable, and I can do other things around the house. I had to realize that I had a major stroke, and just like a baby, I had to re-learn everything. I had to learn how to talk, sit up without falling over, to walk, put on my own clothes, how to swallow my drink without it coming out of the weak side of your mouth. With God's help, I have learned all these things, and continue to work on a few more.

I learned and accepted that everything does not come back all at once. Therapy is a very essential part of the process. The different type of exercises given to you, will jumpstart your recovery, or without them, it could possible take years for your nerves to heal. Exercising, along with God's help, will not take as long to recover. Since having the triple bypass and stroke, I have learned to trust and depend upon the Lord. In time past, I used to be so busy all the time. I didn't take time to get quiet so I could hear clearly about my life. Now, I know the importance in knowing I need to trust and depend on God. What the enemy desired for evil to me, God took it, turned it around, and made it good for me.

This testimony is not only for me, it is for anyone needing help - to believe and trust in God. I have had about twelve surgeries, but through it all, I learned to trust in Jesus and I learned to trust God. Through it all, He never left me, nor forsaken me. Hallelujah, in Jesus name. Amen.

 Update:  2022 - I am 73 Years now, and yet washing and drying my clothes, and bathing myself. I was informed I have Lymphedema, which [they] say is an incurable disease. I am not able to get treatment, because the endurance of it would be bad on my heart, so again I am trusting the Almighty God. Because of the accumulation of fluid in my legs from this disease, my balance is off, and I walk very slow - But I can walk Thank God.

I have learned many things since having to live with these conditions, and I remain thankful. I have learned, and still learning to lean, depend, and trust my Lord, because without His help, I couldn't make it. Trusting in Him is the only way a person will remain sane at times. God is my only hope and help. I also realize a person can go to all kinds of people looking for help, but in the end, The Lord is the only One that can give us what we need. Glory to the Most High God! Amen, and Amen! Being Thankful And Blessed By My God Jehovah Rapha - The Lord Who Heals. 


Blog Update: On March 25, 2023, my dear sister (Jeanette) passed away in her sleep, from complication of a fall she had experienced. Her right lower leg was fractured in two places. She had surgery on the leg, but major damage and complications that followed, were the cause of her death. Even though she was still experiencing effects of cancer and other issues, the fall was the #1 cause and her other issues were secondary, described in her autopsy report.

Being in hospice care at home surrounded by her daughters, grand-children, family and friends, made a huge difference in her life and state of mind. Jeanette refused pain medication for the most part, because she wanted to be alert and in her right mind to experience what God was doing in her life.

She knew God was preparing her for her homecoming, and she was ready. Jeanette saw God moving things around for her and her family, and she was trusting God to take care of them after her departure. She shared with me and others, many things the Holy Spirit was revealing to her, and was so happy experiencing the glory and goodness of the Lord. 

There is so much more I could write, but wanted you readers to know what happened, after she shared her walk in this blog. The doctors had pronounced death over her more than 20 years ago; but God said, Jeanette, you shall live - because you have more to share and accomplish: And she did, in the Strength, Might, and Power of our Lord, in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!

Let us stay vigilant and watchful, for our redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28. Hallelujah!

Cynthia- 7/30/2023


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Mother Ruth McCarter's Writings, Songs, And Quotes - A Mother Of Great - Cynthia Pinckney Ministries, Inc.



4 Responses

Sherry L Bottlemy
Sherry L Bottlemy

October 30, 2023

What a very good testimony to God’s goodness and mercy. Even when the enemy is hard at work in our lives, we just know that God is at work , even though we are facing much adversity. I am blessed to know God, and I am thankful for all he has done in my lifetime. I know also he continues to watch over me everyday. I choose God and not my circumstance. Thank you for sharing this, as I have a sisysisye

Betty Bryant
Betty Bryant

September 18, 2023

Jeanette is my cousin and we shared a lot together! that’s the most inspirational Testimony I’ve ever read !!! besides being my cousin we lived next door to one another. we all grew up in a very spiritual encouragement and home !!! Janette was very brave and believed strongly in the ALMIGHTY GOD ‼‼ AND I KNOW THAT’S WHAT BROUGHT HER THROUGH ALL OF HER ILLNESSES ! I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER HER AS SHE WAS BECAUSE THAT’S THE WAY SHE WOULD WANT TO BE REMEMBERED !!!! I’VE BEEN THROUGH MY TRIBES AND TRIBULATIONS ALSO AND I KNOW WHERE MY HEALINGS CAME FROM TOO !!! I WANT GO INTO MY MEDICAL HISTORY BECAUSE THIS IS ALL ABOUT JEANETTE !!! SHE PUT HER FAITH IN GOD AND HE BROUGHT HER THROUGH UNTIL HE GOT READY TO CALL HER HOME !!! I LOVE YOU MY DEAR COUSIN BUT GOD LOVES YOU MORE ‼‼‼ WE WILL ALL MISS YOU !!! YOU ARE IN GOD’S HANDS NOW ‼‼‼ RIP 🥰


September 18, 2023

I’m so thankful I took the time to read the blog! It has encouraged me to move forward, not be discouraged and pick back up my studying for an exam. The Lord is still healing and delivering every day; we are blessed to be called his!

Lynne Brundige
Lynne Brundige

July 30, 2023

This is absolutely amazing and such a heartwarming testimony of her faith and trust in God until the very end of her life on earth. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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