Growth and Steadfastness Of Our Ministry Wth Helping Hands






2008 - 2009

  Fed and clothed over 1600 homeless and needy men, women and children during our monthly outreach activities held at local Labor Pool shops.

2010 -2011

         The Ministry is currently offering Volunteer Training Classes to area churches,

in an effort to help mobilize them in At risk Areas of Outreach in their Communities.

        We also offer resources such as clothing, food items, toiletries, etc. to ministries And organizations… so that there would be a smooth start-up with the initial Outreach activity.

2012- 2015

With God’s help, the ministry secured a home for the ministry in July, after 7 years. We took 3 months to prepare and stock the entire building with provisions that had been donated to us.

2016 – 2017

  • Severe medical problems in my family made it necessary for me to close our outreach ministry building in the community. It was a sad decision for us, but it was vital for us to do so at the time. We invited many non-profits to come in and select from the over 3,000 pieces of clothing, a full pantry of food items, and other furnishings and equipment for their ministry’s use. I set up office space in our home and continued helping our less fortunate on a limited base with food, medical expenses, rent, utilities, and some household items.
  • 10 families were supported with Rent, or utility fees.
  • 2018 -

    2019 & On-Going - We offer assistance with food, toiletries, and small miscellaneous household items. When funds are available, we offer assistance with rent, electricity, phone, and gas for transportation purposes. I will refer to other organizations, when necessary.