Please Love Me Enough To...

May 03, 2022

Please Love Me Enough To...

Mom, Dad, Guardian - Please Love Me Enough To… 

 1. Encourage me when I’m discouraged, but also correct and discipline me when needed.

  2. Make sure I am in a loving environment, even if it is not you, displaying the love.

 3. Keep me from having to compete with your career, your time, your wants and your desires. Please be patient with me as I learn to accept your need for solitude and peer gatherings on your level, at times.

 4. Show me ways of becoming responsible, and to learn about the Lord God: but also, I need you to remember it may take some time for me to put into action what I'm learning.


  5. Never give up on me when I disappoint you, but gently take me by the hand and lead me where I need to go. I am a child, I need help.

 6. Take the time to visit my school even when you haven’t been asked, or requested by the teacher, and especially when I tell you I understand you may have other things to do. Please come.

 7. Make yourself visible & well known to my teachers and administrators, so they will know you care for my well-being, my education, even though I know the pressure of calling me a baby will come from peers. Inwardly, it will make me feel good to see you.

 8. Please cook delicious meals for me, even when I say I prefer quick take out, often.

 9. Take notice when you see me struggling with homework, even when I tell you I can figure it out. Please get help for me, so I won't be ridiculed at school.

10.  Ask to see my homework, even when I say I have finished it.

11. Make sure I have access to food, free, or reduced lunches while I am at school, even though I may say the food taste nasty anyways, or I don’t be hungry.

 12. Pay close attention to my behavior at home after coming home from school, because I may be afraid to tell you I am being bullied, and afraid of the coming repercussions from my peers.

 13. Guide me into developing healthy relationships with others of like minds, even when I say, I prefer to be a loner.

  14. Have oversight over my phone connectors, even when I say I’m not a baby anymore. I need protecting because growing up is overwhelming too many times.

 15. I may not ever ask you to keep me on GPS on your phone because of my peers telling me I don’t have privacy, but it will make me feel great to know that if I would ever need you in an emergency, I am always on your radar.

 16. Continue having family time gatherings - with prayer, even if I may squawk about it, remember, we young people need to keep up a certain image around others, especially our peers – from peer pressure.

 17. Please tell me you love me often, for I need to hear that you do care, instead of always finding fault with me about something.

18. I need to hear that I am beautiful/handsome from you, instead from someone who has another agenda that will bring harm to me.

19. Make sure you get to know my friends and their parents, even when I say they are cool and can be trusted.

These Often Are Thoughts, But Mostly Unspoken Words Of Our Children...Please Let's Hear Them Loudly!


The Prayer of Mom, Dad, Guardian – Dear Lord,

Please Help Me To

  1. To be the best parent or guardian I can be over these little ones you have entrusted their care to, even though I don’t always know what is right or acceptable for them… but I love them.

  2. Show me how to manage my time, career, and other obligations, so that my children will not have to compete with them for my attention or affection.

  3. Help me to draw closer to you, so I can be in a place of reading, listening, and obeying your word for help from you.

  4. My desire is not to work long hours, or have two jobs, so I can be with, and raise my children the way you desire, so open a door for me.

  5. Learn how to manage money better, so we can survive on what is coming into the house.

  6. Have the humbleness of mind, to ask for help when there is a dire need, and not be prideful.

  7. Help me look for ways, and people who have traveled the road I’m on, to share insight and wisdom for my situation.

  8.  Help me to truly feel Repentance in my heart when I come into the knowledge of truth, and to know I need help in raising my children as you have required.

  9. To forgive myself for thinking I need to measure up to a certain standard set by someone else, for my children.

  10. To remember and understand that my children might be having the same fears and despairs I had growing up, which at times - were too overwhelming for me.

  11. Grow me in the ways of you in accountability, so I can love my children, and give them the support they need.

  12. Go forth in becoming a better person in you each day, and not live in the yesterdays.

  13. Understand that you are my Provider, and I don’t have to use them as a sacrifice – while trying to provide for them.

  14. Know without a doubt what parenting is all about, and that it takes pouring my life into them for as long as is needed and it is not a part-time job.

  15. Understand that loving you Lord, loving my spouse, and loving my children in the admonition of God, is my focal ministry.

  16. Show me how to manage my time, career, and other obligations, so that my children will not have to feel like they are competing for my attention or affection, even when I am just trying to make ends meet

  17. Help me to draw closer to you, so I can be in a place of reading, listening, and obeying your word for the help I need from you for myself, and my children.

  18. Stop looking for ways to work long hours, or having two jobs and use it as an excuse of why I can’t (or don’t want) to spend more time being with my children, or my spouse,

  19. Understand that you purposely gave these young ones to me, to mold their lives the way I am supposed to, and not readily push them off on others or give the oversight of the younger ones…to the oldest.

  20. Love my children, and oftentimes I will need to be guided into what love really is – so I will be able to respond to them in the way you require me to.

  21. Realize I need help in dealing with some of my insecurities growing up, and to seek it out, so I will be emotionally fit to give my children what they need.

  22. Understand that my spouse/children come first before others, and that my witness to others is stronger when I am a doer of these things at home.

  23. Listen first to what my child has to say about a disagreement or dispute first, before agreeing with another person that my child is guilty.

  24. Allow my child/children to participate in some school activities, even when I need to cut-out other activities I want to attend. This I know will make him/her happy to interact with peers, and will give me joy to see how happy they are.

  25. Not control my children as though I am the sergeant, and they are in my unit…making no mistakes. Help me to love them for who they are, but to realize they will error along the way.

  26. Thank you, Lord for helping me in the above areas of need as I continue to seek your help… whether it’s through your written word, or through the love and experiences shown through others you send me. Amen!

 I Humbly Ask This In The Precious Name And Blood Of Jesus (Yeshua). Amen!


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God Used Homeless Person - To Save The Life Of Outreach Minister - Cynthia Pinckney Ministries, Inc.



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