What If Tomorrow Never Comes...

May 18, 2022

What If Tomorrow Never Comes...

What If Tomorrow Never Comes...Are You Completing God's Assignment For Your Life, Daily?

Are you saying to yourself… that’s crazy, because tomorrow will come whether I am here to see it or no. Yes, but how much thought have you put to this when you consider this question being meant for you – that tomorrow may never come for you when eternity is heavily involved with the outcome?  What if? That means, tomorrow as you know it will be like a memory in someone else’s mind. Your days of order and structure will be suspended and complete, and you are in the time and space of God’s doing. Hallelujah, are you ready?

 Are you looking forward to your graduation day with the Lord? Have you been more than ready to lay down the heaviness, constant warfare, persecutions, etc., as you stand in the presence of your Savior, Deliverer, Almighty God hearing the words well done, thy good and faithful servant? You may have a resounding Yes to that question because you have the scars to prove it…and glory to the Most High God, because it was all worth it!

Probably at this moment, you may indulge in making an extensive list of what you would be happy to leave behind to be with your Lord, especially the days we are living in now. With that list, you would also make another list of the things you have done for Jesus with a sense of accomplishment, and how you will be so happy to cast the crowns1 you will receive…at His feet.  On that note, if our name is written down in the lamb’s book of life, it will be the most happiness time for us… but if we have put off today, looking for another chance tomorrow, it will be a time of grief, deep sorrow, guilt and regret.

Have You Had A Prompting In Your Heart In Times Past, To Help Someone In These And Other Areas? What Was Your Response?

 1. Did you take the time to welcome new neighbors, and ask if there was      anything you could do for them – when you knew in your heart it would have been the most loving thing to do at that moment? But it was not just acting neighborly, you felt the Holy Spirit leading you to do it, and yet again, you excused yourself from doing anything because you didn't want them to think you were a nosey person.

  2. When noticing a young mother struggling with small children in a store/church, did you stop to help in her time of frustration, great need, an embarrassment?

  3. When you noticed a middle school age person confused and dismayed, did you stop to see if you could help...remembering a time you could have used assurance from someone?

   4. Did you stop to speak to that elderly gentlemen/woman when you were prompted in your heart to do so, but because you were not in the mood that day, and also seeing from your view point that they had a scornful spirit, you walked away?

    5. Remember the day you deliberately went in another direction to keep the homeless person from asking you for help, not knowing even what type of help was needed?

     6. Did you take time to pray, meditate, and walk out the path you know God laid out for you - knowing suffering was a big part of it; Or, did you put it off often saying tomorrow, or next week?

      7. Did you pursue in learning from scripture how to love the un-loveable, mean, hateful husband/wife, while walking it out with love, kindness, humility, and much prayer, for the glory of God and for the salvation and deliverance of that person; Or did you consider it a waste of your time, because your thoughts were that the person was un-redeemable in your eyes?

      8. Did you walk off a job because of the attitude of your employer towards you, without praying to see why God allowed you to walk into that particular door?

Have you repented for any of these urgings, thoughts, desires, especially knowing the Spirit of the Lord was guiding you into these areas? Sometimes we live life so hurriedly, that we don't consider the importance of why we have been placed here on earth, by God, for such a time as these. We don't take time to pay attention to what some of the plans God may have designed just for us for His Glory.

Many times, we put off what we know we should be doing, with the words such as "I'll do it tomorrow, or I will wait for a more convenient time in my schedule." We should always remember, When we are prompted in our hearts by the Holy Spirit to perform a certain act, God is wanting to bless us, as we are blessing another. 

Let's remember, if it is all possible, we shouldn't put off for tomorrow, what we can do today. There is always a reason and purpose for the plans of God in our life, and in the lives of others.  He is always showing His love in many ways, and we should be cognizant, and available to His call to Action. Amen.

I remember there have been times when I would go into grocery stores hurriedly, only wanting to pick up the items I needed, and leave. I didn't want interaction with people at that time, because I felt since I am always ministering to someone, I just wanted to be alone, and left alone. I didn't want anyone asking anything of me. This was very selfish and hypocritical of me, especially when I have often said to the Lord, "use me Lord anytime and anywhere." I had to repent for that and other things I failed, because of the dictates of the flesh. Hebrews 4:16 reminds me that I can come boldly before the throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy, and fine grace to help in time of need. Learning to acknowledge I need help in times of trouble, places me in a position to come boldly to the throne of grace. Hallelujah!

Prayer Of Repentance

If you are one of many people who have put off important decisions for later, but now feeling this urge to dedicate or rededicate your life to the Lord, please say this words;

Father God, I believe Jesus Christ is your son, and that you sent Him to the earth to become a sacrifice for my sins on the cross, that I might be saved.

I believe He rose from the grave on the 3rd day, and later ascended into heaven and sitting on the right hand of you, as my mediator.

I repent of my sins, please forgive me and have mercy on me.

Come into my life, and wash me with the precious blood of Jesus, and I thank you for saving me and delivering me in Jesus (Yeshua) name, Amen!

Now, let me welcome you into the body of Christ. If you need resources and /or referrals to help with your walk, or need prayer, please email me. Accepting Jesus in your heart, is the best decision you will ever make for your Life.


 Reference Scriptures:

(1) Revelations 4:10 - 11 -  "The twenty*four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, (11) Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created."

 James 4:14-15 

 14. Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanish away. 

15. For that ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

Matthew 22: 37 - 39 

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all Soul, and with All Thy Mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

1 Corinthians 9:24 – 27

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run [their very best to win], but only one receives the prize? Run [your race] in such a way that you may seize the prize and make it yours! 25 Now every athlete who [goes into training and] competes in the games is disciplined and exercises self-control in all things. They do it to win a [h]crown that withers, but we [do it to receive] an imperishable [crown that cannot wither]. 26 Therefore I do not run without a definite goal; I do not flail around like one beating the air [just shadow boxing]. 27 But [like a boxer] I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached [the gospel] to others, I myself will not somehow be disqualified [as unfit for service].

Hebrews 12:1

Wherefore seeing We Also Are Compassed About With so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is wet before us.

Warriors, we can do all things through Christ which gives us strength. Amen! Philippians 4:13

Praise The Lord!

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