God's Beauty In Spring Times!

July 04, 2023

God's Beauty In Spring Times!

Spring has sprung and there is so much of God's beauty on the earth to behold. May we take time to notice people, smell the different fragrances and enjoy the radiant color of flowers and the brightness of new beginnings everywhere. Let's take time to really enjoy, and not allow it to be a fleeting moment - on our way to something else. We will never see things the same way as we see them in that brief period of time, ever again.

During the winter months we have a tendency to be moving to one place or another hurriedly trying to find warmth or seeking the rays of the sun whenever we have opportunity.

We may be constantly putting on layers of clothing to keep warm or taking off layers as the weather fluctuates back and forth to the dismay of some people in Florida.

Most times we are too busy to plan a time to just be - to just exist, with the exhilarating feeling of being suspended in the most beautiful moment in time.

Spring is a time to slow down, look around and enjoy the beauty of our Great Designer - God. He Created - (generated, produced, fashioned, originated, made) everything. In Genesis 1, "God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it, and saw everything He Had, and behold, it was very good."

To enjoy some of the beauty around me, I love sitting in front of our home talking to neighbors, watching children play, observing the beautiful colors of spring, and also the different critters and creatures that come out of their winter hiding places.

This year, I am noticing lizards and other insets with different colors and appearances, and the scene is awesome. My grands know I talk to the different critters and they think it is weird. No, it is not weird. I say to the critters that we can co-exist on the same property without fear, and they are well warned that as long as they don't bother me, I will not bother them.

Snakes are my only exception to the general rule concerning critters or creatures. I don't think we will ever learn to co-exist anywhere together (at least not on this side of heaven).

I love watching how the different species function and operate. It is so beautiful to see how each one does what they were created to do in bringing about life, or the extension of life - for the next season. Truly amazing.

Enjoying one season and knowing you must move on to another, could prove to be very difficult for some people. Homesteading is in our DNA, and we always feel most comfortable in our very own comfort zone. Letting go brings us to points of having to make decisions and choices, and sometimes we are not ready to do that.

We don't want to risk upsetting the apricot - so to speak. we don't want to cause changes to anything that may affect the control we have over the situation that comes to cause change.

If we could bring ourselves to trust the process that God has already established in the earth from the beginning, we would be able to learn to accept new times, new adventures, new beginning, new growth, deeper understanding and revelations, new ideas, which brings forth new life. Amen!

Whatever season you're in, embrace it and bless the Lord for it. Open your eyes and heart to see the beauty of the handiwork of the Lord, and how much He loves you. If this season is starting out with loss, pain, confusion, discomfort, or bewilderment, know that God is not bringing you to it, to leave you in it. If His Holy Spirit is in you, you have a built-in guide waiting to stretch out inside of you, and to go before you. Listen and obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit. If you desire to have a more personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, please contact me for more information, or prayer. 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thing own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6. 

Blessing and praising the Lord for who He is to you - will help get you through the rough road ahead, while continuously making steps towards the other side. Amen!

In His Service -


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