I saw in a vision a Gigantic Gold Kingdom Rising from Sea, looking beautiful and shining like pure gold. It had the most beautiful, engraved art on the outside of the building, and everything imaginable for a building on the inside. Many in the body of Christ observing the phenomena, thought this was God’s gift to them, and that it was truly a miracle from Him for all of their hard work on the earth. Their thoughts were, "it was a place to rest while here on earth until Jesus came for them." They never considered what Jesus said about how and what the end times would look like from scripture.
This Gigantic Gold Kingdom Rising from Sea building was made to deceive and keep them separated from the rest of the world. This would prevent them from “Going into the world bringing souls into salvation.” The faces and bodies of these particular pastors/saints of God, were showing symptoms of being burnt out, tiredness, aggravations, and anger from dealing with opposition, and the hard trials and tribulations of helping people that were in desperate situations. Some were tired of dealing with oppositions to what their doctrine dictated, or their man-made church belief. They felt it was a time of rest until they were taken home by Jesus because of the hard toils of ministry.
The word began to go out all over the world for the body of Christ to come to this place to see a Gigantic Gold Kingdom Rising from Sea, because this was where God dwelled. A campaign went out all over the world supported by some well-known Pastors and Leaders, to come see the kingdom and to take part in its glorious wonder. The flyers were assuring the body of Christ that this is the kingdom of God, and a place given by the Most High God – only for the body of Christ to be together.
As I looked around, I saw many giants (well-known leaders) in the body of Christ joining the campaign of gathering people from all over the world to come to the place. Many put their name/ministry on the line to bring people to the place they say God resided. I then heard the voice of the Lord say to me “it is a prototype”, it was not the real thing.
The people who viewed the Gigantic Gold Kingdom, were given a tug in their spirit to come to it, embrace it, and it mostly because of its beauty, and no opposition to what they wanted to do. There was nothing else notable about it, except, a place of containment away from all of the world troubles and woes. There were men and women of every color coming to see the Gigantic Gold Kingdom Rising from Sea, to take part in this new movement they thought God was calling them to belong. Countless leaders left where God had already placed and positioned them over ministries, over callings, over communities, and Nations, to compel congregations to come to what seemed real, and looked real to the natural eye.
There weren’t any true Holy Ghost filled leaders in the group, or any other person with wisdom to speak out about praying to confirm by the Spirit of God before making a covenant agreement, to going someplace that God had not sent them. Many of the church members believed their leaders and wouldn't pray themselves for confirmation. Every person was ready to quit their tedious walk and relax, because they felt it was time for them to rest from their labors. They were mainly ready for the trials and tribulations of the present world to be over; for they were tired, and ready to sit down.
Note: All who had come to the Gigantic Kingdom Rising Out of the Sea had been deceived, but they were unaware of this. They were looking at the beauty, the thoughts of not having to deal with the needs of others, the trials, sufferings, longsuffering, being kind and gentle, and the trials of everyday life. They made themselves believed this was ordained by the Lord. These people souls were lost, because of the deception they participated in.